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In the summer of 2022, Little Sweet Flower Farm officially came into existence.  With a change in careers, a lot of soul-searching, loads of support from my family, and a leap of faith, the dream became a reality.  Earlier in the year, we welcomed our 3rd baby.  From the beginning, our middle son named her his “Little Sweet Flower.”  Naming the farm was easy.  It had to be Little Sweet Flower Farm. 

Little Sweet Flower Farm, is a small-scale, family-owned cut flower farm that is on a mission to support and emphasize the importance of land stewardship.  We sell hand-sown pollinator plant kits and flowers fresh from our field.  At our farm, nature is one of our top priorities.  We like to say we focus on the six B’s- our babies, the birds, bees, butterflies, bugs, and blooms.  Supporting mother nature and all she has to offer is vital in everything we do. 


When you purchase our flowers, you know you are receiving blooms that have been planted the way nature intended- without toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or fungicides.  By choosing our cut flowers, you can rest assured knowing you are bringing home a product that is safe for your family and friends to enjoy.  The flowers you purchase from Little Sweet Flower Farm are grown through regenerative and sustainable farming methods.  Our processes help to enhance the soil, improve the natural habitat that surrounds us, and conserve and increase biodiversity.  Every flower is hand-planted, hand-picked, and hand-designed.  When one partners with nature, everything that dwells within benefits.  

In addition to our cut flowers, we are thrilled to offer a one-stop shop opportunity to purchase flower kits that help support and save pollinator populations.  Our plants are chemical-free, non-GMO, heirloom, and designed to provide pollinators with ample food and housing sources all season long.  Check out our online store to read more about each kit.  Different sizes are available, and stock is limited.  Join us as we help to conserve our pollinators and their habitats!


Little Sweet Flower Farm has a lot to offer you, the birds, bees, butterflies, and bugs.  We are excited to share our passion, and we hope you will join us on our journey!

About Little Sweet Flower Farm

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